The Bogalusa City School Board is an authorized chartering authority as provided for in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3982.  The School Board has been granted authority to approve or deny charter school proposals for Type 1, and 3 charters, and pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3983 may enter into any charter the School Board finds to be valid, complete, financially well-structured, and educationally sound in meeting the requirements of Louisiana Charter School Law.


The School Board is committed to ensuring academic excellence, fiscal responsibility, and operational accountability among its authorized charter schools, while honoring and respecting the autonomy of such schools consistent with the purposes established in Louisiana Charter School law, La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3971 et seq.


The Bogalusa City School Board has adopted the following criteria as mandatory elements of all charter Operating Agreements executed by the School Board.  Should the provisions of this policy contradict or conflict with language in any other School Board policy, the requirements of this policy shall prevail.


  1. Academic Excellence - All charter schools shall maintain academic excellence.  Should any charter school be designated Academically Unacceptable (assigned a letter grade of F) under the standards established in the state accountability system, the School Board shall immediately convene to reconsider the charter, following the procedures outlined in policy HC, Charter School Monitoring, Intervention, and Closure.

    This provision shall be applied to charter schools designated as alternative education schools by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:100.5, only in accordance with the terms of the charter school’s Operating Agreement.


  1. Autonomy - Each charter school shall have complete autonomy over all areas of school operation as set forth in each school’s Operating Agreement, as long as such operations are in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and municipal laws and regulations.  Areas of school autonomy shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


  1. School programming, instruction, curriculum, materials and texts;

  2. Yearly school calendars and daily schedules;

  3. Hiring, firing, performance management and evaluation, employment terms and conditions, teacher/administrator certification, salaries and benefits, and optional participation in Teachers Retirement System of  Louisiana and collective bargaining; and,

  4. Budgeting, purchasing, procurement, and contracts, including the management of transportation at the school site or operator level.


  1. Governing Boards - The governing board of each Bogalusa City School Board-authorized charter school shall comply with the following:


  1. All applicable requirements set forth by the Louisiana Nonprofit Corporations Law and the Louisiana Secretary of State, including the provision that the nonprofit shall remain in good standing at all times during the term of its charter.

  2. All laws and requirements applicable to public bodies made applicable to charter schools, including but not limited to Louisiana Open Meetings Law, Louisiana Public Records Law, Louisiana Local Government Budgets Act, and the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics.

  3. Each governing board shall operate in accordance with its duly-adopted bylaws, which shall include a conflict of interest policy that is consistent with applicable law including, but not limited to, the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics.

  4. Each governing board shall consist of no fewer than seven (7) members.  Governing board members shall represent a diverse set of professional skills and practical work experience in areas such as education, public/non-profit and/or for-profit administration or operations, community development, finance, and law.  Each charter school shall be required to fully comply with the requirement of this subparagraph upon the next renewal of the school’s charter contract.

  5. At least sixty percent (60%) of the members of each governing board shall reside (legal domicile) in the attendance boundaries of the Bogalusa City School Board, including at least one parent or legal guardian of one or more students currently enrolled at any school operated by that charter governing board.  The parent or legal guardian requirement may also be satisfied by a recent graduate (within the past 5 years) or the parent/guardian of a recent graduate (within the past 3 years) of a school operated by that governing board.  Each charter school shall be required to fully comply with the requirement of this subparagraph upon the next renewal of the school’s charter contract, and prior to that time shall fill board member vacancies and make new board member appointments with residents of the Bogalusa City School System, if the board’s membership is comprised of less than sixty percent (60%) residents of Bogalusa City School System.

  6. Each governing board shall conduct a criminal history review in accordance with BESE Bulletin 126, Charter Schools, §2905 for each new board member and each individual the Charter Board intends to hire who might reasonably be expected to be placed in a position of supervisory or disciplinary authority over school children.  The criminal history review results of board members shall be submitted to the Bogalusa City School Board within ninety (90) days of the member’s appointment.


  1. A governing board shall notify BCSB (within 24 hours of becoming aware) of the arrest of any members of the governing board, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or any person directly or indirectly employed by the governing board for a crime listed in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §15:587.1(C) or any crime related to the misappropriation of funds or theft.


  1. Each governing board member shall file a financial statement, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §42:1124.3, within ninety (90) days of confirmation by the board, unless the confirmation is made less than ninety (90) days prior to the annual statutory filing deadline, in which case the statutory filing deadline shall apply.

  2. No more than one member of the immediate family, as defined in the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics, La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §42:1102, may serve on a governing board in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §42:2.2.

  3. No elected official, as defined by the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics, and no individual formerly classified as an elected official for a period of one year following the termination of his or her service, may serve on a governing board.

  4. No governing board member may be employed by the school, in any manner, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3991.  No governing board member may be employed by the Bogalusa City School Board, in any administrative capacity.

  5. No governing board member shall receive any compensation, other than optional reimbursement of actual expenses incurred while fulfilling duties as a member of the board, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3991, nor shall they solicit or accept personal gifts from any person or entity doing business, or seeking to do business, with the governing board or charter school, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann §42:1115.

  6. Governing boards shall notify the BCSB within thirty (30) days of any change to its board of directors, its signing authority, its corporate legal status, or any change in its standing with the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office.


  1. Governing Board Finances - Each governing board of one or more Bogalusa City School Board-authorized charter schools shall be required to:


  1. Hire or procure the services of one or more qualified and competent business professionals to produce all financial and accounting information required by its Operating Agreement, School Board policy, state law or regulations.  Such individual shall be required to meet one of the qualifications set forth in Chapter 13 of Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) Bulletin 1929, Louisiana Accounting and Uniform Governmental Handbook (LAUGH).

  2. Submit to the Bogalusa City School Board an annual financial audit, in accordance with the provisions of La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §24:513 et seq., and according to the timelines established by the Bogalusa City School Board administration; and,

  3. Governing board members shall disclose to the Louisiana Board of Ethics and BCSB any situation in which they or their immediate family might benefit from a proposed action of the governing board or the charter school, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann §42:1114.


Should gross mismanagement of public funds or financial malfeasance on the part of the charter school or its governing board be documented in the annual audit, the School Board may immediately convene to reconsider the charter, following the procedures established in School Board policy HC, Charter School Monitoring, Intervention, and Closure.


  1. Admissions and Student Population- As stated in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3972, “it is the intention of the Legislature that the best interests of at-risk students be the overriding consideration in implementing” state charter school law.  Accordingly, while the School Board recognizes that Type 1 and 3 charter schools are subject to different laws and state regulations, it is the intent of the School Board to create and implement policy that is consistent across charter types in order to serve the needs of Bogalusa City School System’s at-risk student population, while recognizing the unique elements of each school’s history and culture, and encouraging differentiation in school programming:


  1. At-Risk Students:  Type 1 charter schools shall comply with the minimum at-risk student population percentages provided for in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3991. Type 3 and 4 charter schools shall comply with the minimum at-risk student population percentages as provided for in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3991, unless otherwise agreed to as part of the charter schools’ operating agreement.

    The required percentage of at-risk students shall be calculated in accordance with state law and BESE policy, including the provisions of La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:3991.1 with respect to the dependent children of permanent employees of a corporate partner.  The performance of each charter school with respect to these provisions shall be reviewed annually, and documentation of efforts shall be provided to the School Board upon request, per the terms of the charter school’s Operating Agreement.  Charter schools shall maintain compliance with federal and state law and regulations with respect to any student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and the provisions of the school’s operating agreement pursuant to services for such students.

    All charter schools authorized by BCSB shall report their at-risk data to BCSB.  This reporting requirement does not relieve charter schools of any existing obligations to report at-risk data directly to federal or state agencies.  Any school not meeting the minimum requirement for two (2) consecutive years may be subject to Intervention, as set forth in the charter school’s Operating Agreement and in accordance with the provisions of policy HC, Charter School Monitoring, Intervention, and Closure No adverse action under this subsection, including Intervention, shall be applied to any charter school unless the school is first determined either to be in material noncompliance with the terms of its Operating Agreement, or fails to earn a rating of “Meets Standard” pursuant to the Bogalusa City School Board Organizational Performance Framework, as set forth in policy HB, Charter School Evaluation.


  1. Prohibited Admissions Criteria:  All charter schools shall be prohibited from establishing academic admissions requirements, including restrictions on admissions on the basis of the results of any test or on the achievement of a certain academic record (GPA, writing sample, or required coursework).

  2. Discipline - Each charter school shall adopt and implement explicit discipline policies consistent with applicable state statutes and the school’s Operating Agreement.  Pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:10.7.1, each charter school authorized by the School Board shall be required to participate in any common expulsion process adopted by the School Board as a condition of the school’s charter agreement.  Compliance with this provision shall be measured as a component of each school’s annual evaluation.

  3. Transportation - Each new, extended, or renewed charter school Operating Agreement executed on or after January 1, 2016 shall include provisions requiring each charter operator to provide free transportation services for all students enrolled in the charter school who reside within the Bogalusa City School System’s attendance zone and more than one mile from the charter school’s location, which shall include, at a minimum:


  1. whatever transportation is necessary to implement any Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for a child with an identified exceptionality, without regard to how far the child resides from the charter school;

  2. free transportation by a vehicle approved for student transportation in accordance with BESE Bulletin 119, Louisiana School Transportation Specifications and Procedures, for students enrolled in grade 6 or below who reside more than one mile from the charter school; and,

  3. free transportation, free public transportation payments and/or reimbursements for all other students who reside more than one mile from the school.


  1. Emergency Powers

    Pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:10.7.1(F)(3), the Superintendent shall have the authority to require one or more charter schools under BCSB’s jurisdiction to temporarily close, hold or dismiss students, or evacuate the school facilities in the event that a credible threat of terror, or an official state of emergency is declared for the area in which any school under BCSB’s jurisdiction is located.


  1. Test Monitoring

    The Bogalusa City School Board holds proper test security and administration to be of the utmost importance and deems any violation of test security to be serious.  All charter schools shall adhere to state test security policies as detailed in BESE Bulletin 118, Statewide Assessment Standards and Practices, the Test Administration Manuals for each test, and administrative procedures approved by the Superintendent.


New policy:  April 26, 2018



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§15:587.1, 17:10.7.1, 17:3971, 17:3972, 17:3973, 17:3974, 17:3983, 17:3983.1, 17:3991, 17:3991.1, 17:3992, 17:3996, 42:1114, 42:1115

Louisiana School, District, and State Accountability System, Bulletin 111

Statewide Assessment Standards and Practices, Bulletin 118

Louisiana School Transportation Specifications and Procedures, Bulletin 119

Charter Schools, Bulletin 126

Louisiana Accounting and Uniform Governmental Handbook (LAUGH), Bulletin 1929, Louisiana Department of Education

Board minutes, 4-26-18


Bogalusa City School Board