Cf:  HAB





The Bogalusa City School Board (BCSB) is committed to being a quality charter school authorizer by conducting operating agreement oversight that evaluates performance, monitors compliance, informs intervention and renewal decisions, and ensures autonomy provided under applicable law.  To that end, it is the intent of the School Board to implement an evaluation system that collects the information needed to determine whether a charter school is meeting the goals and standards as set forth by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) accountability system, the performance frameworks, and each charter application and operating agreement.


In order to make fair and transparent decisions regarding contract revocations, extensions and renewals, the School Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the School Board, charter schools, students, parents, and the public to articulate clear performance standards for charter schools and to evaluate each charter school's level of achievement with respect to those standards.




According to the Principles and Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing published by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA), a quality authorizer “establish[es] the performance standards under which schools will be evaluated, using objective and verifiable measures of student achievement as the primary measure of school quality; [and] define[s] clear, measurable, and attainable academic, financial, and organizational performance standards and targets that the school must meet as a condition of renewal.”  The School Board shall use the State of Louisiana's assessment and accountability programs as objective and verifiable measures of student achievement and school performance.  Additional measures of charter school quality include financial and organizational performance measures, as well as supplemental academic performance measures, as described below.


Evaluation Standards


The performance of charter schools authorized by the School Board (Types 1, 3, and 4) shall be evaluated in the following categories:



Within these three categories, the School Board has defined a common set of performance standards.  These standards are established in the BCSB Charter School Performance Framework, as adopted by the School Board (including any modifications subsequently adopted by the School Board.)


Academic Performance


Louisiana Charter School Law requires charter schools to make demonstrable improvements, using standardized test scores, in the academic performance of students over the term of the charter school’s existence.


The School Board shall annually evaluate charter schools using the following student performance indicators and related measures set forth in the BCSB Charter School Performance Framework:



Charter schools shall participate fully in the Louisiana standardized testing and accountability programs, including the administration of all required state assessments.


Financial Performance


Louisiana Charter School Law requires charter schools to meet generally accepted accounting standards for fiscal management.  This requirement has two (2) underlying purposes:



The School Board shall annually evaluate charter schools using the financial performance indicators and related measures set forth in the BCSB Charter School Financial Performance Framework for near-term financial health and financial sustainability.  For organizations operating under multiple charters, reporting and evaluation of financial performance shall be conducted separately for each charter agreement (contract).


The School Board shall use budget and cash flow statements and financial audit reports submitted pursuant to the contract between a charter school and the School Board to determine if the school has met the financial standards established by the BCSB Charter School Organizational Performance Framework.


Organizational Performance


Louisiana Charter School Law requires a charter school to be in compliance with the material terms of its contract with the School Board and all applicable laws and regulations.


The School Board shall assess a school's performance in relation to the legal requirements that are applicable to charter schools and to the terms of the contract.  The School Board shall use the performance measures and indicators set forth in the BCSB Charter School Performance Framework to evaluate the performance of each school in the following areas:



In addition to the criteria established in the Organizational Performance Framework, the School Board shall consider a standard not met if a violation:



Critical Indicators and Deficiency Triggers


Within each Performance Framework, the School Board has identified one or more Critical Indicators, and associated Deficiency Triggers.  Schools found to have a deficiency on a Critical Indicator shall be subject to Intervention, as provided for in HC, Charter School Monitoring, Intervention, and Closure, and in accordance with the provisions of the school’s operating agreement.




Critical Indicator Deficiency Triggers

APF 1a

State Accountability

Letter Grade of F

APF 2a

School-Specific Goal

As jointly determined by school and authorizer

FPF 1b

Unrestricted Days Cash on Hand

<30 days COH, or

<60 days COH and negative one-year trend

FPF 1d


School is in default or delinquent with loan service

1a – 1d

Educational Program/Special Populations

Material and significant, or persistent failures
(includes all measures of special education and ELL compliance)

OPF 2a

Financial Reporting (Audit)

Material and significant, or repeated failures
(including any audit not receiving an unqualified opinion)

OPF 4a

Student Rights

Material and significant, or persistent failures

OPF 5b

Health and Safety

Imminent threats to health, safety, or welfare, as provided for by state statute


New policy:  April 26, 2018



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:3972, 17:3973, 17:3974, 17:3975, 17:3976, 17:3977, 17:3978, 17:3979, 17:3991, 17:3991.1, 17:3992, 17:3993, 17:3994, 17:3995

Charter Schools, Bulletin 126, Louisiana Department of Education

Board minutes, 4-26-18


Bogalusa City School Board