Cf:  EB, EBB








It shall be the policy of the Bogalusa City School Board to reserve the right to inspect any School Board-owned property including, without limitations, computers, desks, lockers, and similar furnishings at any time, with or without notice, and that personal property an employee may bring onto School Board premises may be subject to inspection, including searches, in connection with the School Board’s investigation of stolen property, hazardous materials, controlled substances, or the health and safety of employees and students.


As a condition of employment, each employee of the School Board shall acknowledge the School Board’s right to conduct such inspections and investigations, and agree to any inspections made, and cooperate in all respects during any such proceedings.




It is the policy of the School Board to maintain strict control over entrance to the premises, access to work locations and records, computer information, and cash and other items of monetary value.  Employees who are assigned keys, given special access, or assigned job responsibilities in connection with the safety, security, or confidentiality of such records, material, equipment, or items of monetary or business value shall be required to use sound judgment and discretion in performing their duties, and shall be held accountable for any wrongdoing or acts of indiscretion.


Confidential information obtained as a result of employment with the School Board shall not be used by an employee for the purpose of furthering any private interest, or as a means of making personal gains.  Use or disclosure of such information may result in civil or criminal penalties, both for the individuals involved and for the School Board and subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.




It shall be the policy of the Bogalusa City School Board to encourage pregnant and postpartum employees to consider breastfeeding their children as a means of promoting the health of both child and mother.  The School Board encourages and supports employees in their efforts to combine working and breastfeeding.


  1. The workplace breastfeeding support policy recognizes that breastfeeding is the most healthful, natural and economic method of infant nutrition.  It is the School Board’s policy to support the needs of breastfeeding mothers when they return to work. 

  2. Maternity leave planning shall address the transition from full-time maternity leave to full-time work and the impact that this may have on breastfeeding.  Maternity leave is sufficient to establish breastfeeding, generally a minimum of 6-8 weeks.  Options include: a combination of full-time and part-time maternity leave, a flexible work schedule to accommodate breastfeeding needs, break times to use a breast pump at work. 

  3. Breastfeeding employees shall be allowed a flexible schedule for pumping.  The time allowed shall not exceed the normal time allowed for lunch and breaks.  For time above and beyond normal lunch and breaks, sick/annual leave must be used or the employee can come in earlier, leave later or take a shorter lunch. 

  4. An appropriate room shall be provided where nursing women can:


    1. Nurse an infant brought in during lunch or breaks.

    2. Pump breastmilk to be stored for later use.


  1. The room shall be a private area for pumping.  The room shall have accessible electrical outlets for electric breast pump use and a sink close by with a clean, safe water source for hand washing and rinsing out breast pump equipment.  The room shall contain a comfortable chair with arms for nursing, a nursing stool (optional), a table or desk, and a chair for pumping. 


  1. If needed, scheduling shall occur to ensure that all those needing the room shall have the opportunity to use it. 

  2. A small refrigerator may be available for safe storage of breast milk or employees and staff allowed to bring cold storage containers.  Breastfeeding women shall provide their own containers and milk stored in the refrigerator will be clearly labeled with name and date.  Those who use the refrigerator shall be responsible for keeping it clean.


New policy:  November 14, 2013

Revised:  May 25, 2017



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:81

Board minutes, 11-14-13, 5-25-17


Bogalusa City School Board