It is the policy of the Bogalusa City School Board that a concerted effort be made at all times by the School Board and all personnel to provide for the security and protection of its students, employees, visitors, facilities, and equipment.


Security not only encompasses maintenance of secure (locked) buildings but other strategies to make the school environment safe, such as protection from fire hazards and faulty equipment and safe practices in the use of electrical, plumbing, and heating equipment, and the protection of students, staff, and visitors at school functions, whether on or off campus.


Access to school buildings and grounds outside of regular school hours shall be limited to personnel whose work requires it.  Protective devices designed to be used as safeguards against illegal entry and vandalism shall be installed when appropriate to the individual situation.


Records and funds shall be kept in a safe place and under lock and key when required.




The areas surrounding the school campus or within 1,000 feet of any such school campus, or within a school bus, shall be designated Firearm Free Zones.  It is unlawful for a student or non-student to intentionally possess a firearm on school property or within 1,000 feet of school property or while on a school bus, with limited exception as enumerated in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §14:95.2.  The School Board, in cooperation with local governmental agencies and the Louisiana Department of Education, shall designate and mark Firearm Free Zones which surround all schools and school property.




The area within 2,000 feet of any property used for school purposes by any school, or on a school bus, shall be designated as Drug Free Zones.  It is unlawful for anyone to use, distribute, be under the influence of, manufacture or possess any controlled substances as defined by statute in a Drug Free Zone.  The Bogalusa City School Board, in cooperation with local governmental agencies, and the Louisiana Department of Education, shall designate and mark Drug Free Zones which surround all schools and school property.




Except as may be allowed by School Board policy, no person, unless authorized by the school principal or designee, shall use, possess, or operate any electronic telecommunication device including any facsimile system, radio paging service, mobile telephone service, intercom, or electromechanical paging system in any elementary or secondary school building, or on the grounds thereof while school is in session or in any school bus.  Appropriate law enforcement agencies shall be notified of any person, other than a student or school employee, who violates this policy while on school property without authority.




It shall be unlawful and against School Board policy for any student or non-student to wear or possess on his/her person, at any time, body armor on any School Board property, school campus, at a school-sponsored function, on a school bus or other school transportation, or in a firearm free zone, with limited exception as enumerated in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §14:95.9.  School-sponsored functions shall include, but not be limited to, athletic competitions, dances, parties, or any extracurricular activities.


Body armor shall mean bullet-resistant metal or other material intended to provide protection from weapons or bodily injury.


The School Board shall post permanent notices of such prohibition at each major point of entry to the school.




Any school principal, administrator, teacher, or school security guards may search the person, book bag, briefcase, purse or other object in the possession of any person who is not a student enrolled in the school, or any school employee, while in or on school grounds.  This search may be done randomly with a metal detector, or physically when there is reasonable suspicion that such person has any weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, stolen goods, or objects in violation of School Board policy.




In order to assist in the protection and safety of employees and students, the Bogalusa City School Board shall authorize the installation of surveillance cameras at various locations on school campuses, but shall not allow placement in bathrooms and/or dressing rooms.  Students or employees viewed violating school rules and regulations shall be disciplined, in accordance with School Board regulations, up to and including expulsion/termination.  Action may be taken against visitors viewed breaking regulations, including notification of law enforcement officials.


Revised:  December, 2008

Revised:  November, 2010

Revised:  May, 2011

Revised:  November 14, 2013



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§14:95.2, 14:95.6, 14:95.9, 17:81, 17:239, 17:240, 17:405, 17:416.6

Board minutes, 8-27-09, 12-16-10, 6-28-11, 11-14-13


Bogalusa City School Board