Cf:  BC, BCB





An affirmative vote of a simple majority of the members present and voting shall be necessary for the passage of any motion, except in such instances as the law or other policies of the School Board may require a larger vote.  Every member present, including the President, shall be entitled to one vote.


A member of the School Board may abstain from voting on an issue before the School Board, whereby his/her vote shall be counted neither for nor against the issue voted upon.  In such cases the School Board member shall state that he/she abstains from voting and the minutes shall reflect the member's abstention.


All voting shall be by voice, by show of hands, or by electronic device; a roll call vote may be requested by any member and/or ordered by the President, with the vote of each member recorded in the minutes.  On voice votes, the name of each voting "nay" shall be recorded in the minutes upon his/her request.


Reconsideration of actions shall be according to Robert's Rules of Order, with the exception that matter voted on by the School Board shall not be brought up for reconsideration more than once during the calendar year except by two-thirds () vote of the School Board.


There shall be no representation by proxy by any member at any meeting of the School Board, including committee meetings.  School Board members present at School Board meetings and all committee members present at committee meetings are authorized to speak on issues, offer and second motions, and vote.


No action shall be taken by the School Board except as taken above at a properly called regular or special meeting.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 18:602, 42:14, 42:1120


Bogalusa City School Board