The Bogalusa City School Board recognizes that it is essential to the maintenance of a democratic society that public business be performed in an open and public manner, except as provided by state law, and that the citizens be advised of and be aware of the performance of public officials and the deliberations and decisions that go into the making of public policy.


It is the desire of the School Board that meetings be formal enough for orderly procedure, but informal enough to be natural, to encourage free discussion, and to promote group thinking and action.  In matters of procedures not covered by law, School Board policy, or the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), meetings of the School Board including committee meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.  The President shall be entitled to discuss and vote on all matters before the School Board.




The following Rules of Procedure have been adopted by the Bogalusa City School Board to guide it in its execution of business.  A copy of these Rules of Procedure reflecting current changes, revisions and/or additions shall be provided to each School Board member.


  1. Except as may be otherwise determined by the School Board, all meetings of the Board shall be held at its domicile and offices at 1705 Sullivan Drive, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

  2. No meeting of the School Board may be officially convened and conducted unless a quorum (simple majority of the total membership of the School Board) is present.

  3. Except as may be provided by state law or by the School Board, any motion, resolution or other action of the School Board shall be deemed valid only upon a favorable vote of a simple majority of the members present and voting taken at a properly called regular or special meeting of the School Board.

  4. Should a quorum cease to be present after a meeting has been officially convened, the presiding officer shall recess the meeting for such time as is deemed appropriate to attempt to reestablish a quorum and may thereafter declare the meeting adjourned if such presiding officer determines that a quorum cannot be obtained within a reasonable time.

  5. Voting may be taken by a show of hands or by roll call of the members present at the discretion of the presiding officer.  Each School Board member must be present in his/her seat in the School Board meeting room in order to have his/her vote counted; and no School Board member or other person may cast a vote, in any manner, for another member of the School Board.

  6. There shall be no voting by proxy and no voting by secret ballot.

  7. In determining whether a particular motion, resolution or action of the School Board has received the requisite number of "yea" votes, an "abstention" shall not be counted, and that member shall be considered as not voting. This rule shall apply regardless of whether the required number of favorable votes must be of the total membership of the School Board, of those members present or, of those members present and voting.

  8. No School Board member or officer shall have the power to make a commitment in the name of the School Board unless specified in writing or granted by the School Board at a duly constituted meeting.

  9. During School Board discussion and debate, no School Board member shall speak until recognized for that purpose by the President.  After such recognition, the School Board member shall confine all discussion to the issues before the School Board and shall avoid irrelevant comments or remarks of a personal nature.

  10. A School Board member shall abstain from voting on any matter in which his/her personal or professional gain is in conflict with the interest of the School Board or on any question involving conduct to the School Board member.

  11. To take up a question out of its proper order shall require a two-thirds () vote of those present.  The President shall have the prerogative to move an agenda item when he or she feels the change would be in the best interest of the meeting.  An item may be removed during the meeting from the agenda by the President, with a majority concurrence from the School Board, whenever it is felt that pertinent information having a bearing on the question to be voted upon is lacking.  An item appearing on the agenda which has been requested by a School Board member may be withdrawn at any time during the meeting at the request of the School Board member.

  12. In the event a School Board member becomes cognizant of an administrative problem or situation affecting the well being of the School District or a citizen thereof, the School Board member shall notify the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall advise the School Board member upon its disposition or outcome.  If the School Board member is dissatisfied with such disposition, he or she may bring the matter before the School Board for review.

  13. Only elected or appointed School Board members and the Superintendent shall sit at the School Boards’ meeting table unless invited by the President.  A table for representatives of the press shall be provided in the general area.

  14. Roll call votes shall be required as follows:


    1. All capital expenditure commitments, made to one source, that are in excess of $10,000.

    2. All association negotiated contracts.

    3. All expenses in excess of $10,000 to one source that was not the lowest bidder.

    4. All newly established administrative or supervisory positions.

    5. All land transactions.

    6. Election of officers.

    7. At a School Board member’s request.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. §§17:81, 42:15


Bogalusa City School Board