The Bogalusa City School Board realizes that some students may need to have part-time employment positions.  Senior high school students over the age of 16 may be allowed to complete their senior classes in the morning, if their class schedules can be so arranged, in order for the student to be released for part-time employment in the afternoons.  Before release of the student, proof of employment shall be submitted by the student.  The school reserves the right to monitor a student's continued employment.




Employment certificates are issued for youth to work only during vacation time and after school hours.  No employment certificate can be issued for a high school student to work during the hours that school is in session.  Employment certificates for the youth of the City of Bogalusa shall be issued by the Superintendent or his/her designee and submitted to the Louisiana Department of Labor. The original employment certificate shall be signed by the minor and the Superintendent/designee as issuing authority. A copy of each employment certificate shall be retained by the School Board together with documents required to be submitted with the application for employment certificate. Any additional information needed by students or teachers of Bogalusa City schools may be obtained by inquiring at the School Board office.


Youth between the ages of 18 and 21 are not required to have employment certificates but may be issued certificates of age upon request of the employer.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง23:161, 23:162, 23:163, 23:183, 23:184


Bogalusa City School Board