It is recognized that individual students or groups of students may, from time to time, feel the need to assert their collective sentiments in matters of public opinion.  Students have a right to express their opinions, in a proper manner, and to exercise the opportunity to discuss any problem with their teachers and principal.  It is the duty of the principal to always keep lines of communication open with his/her students, and to listen to the complaints in a fair and sincere manner.


In the expression of opinion, students shall be expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and controlled manner.  Boisterous, unrestrained behavior by students shall not be tolerated.  Disorderly demonstrations, sit-ins, lock-ins; or damages to school grounds, school plants, or school records shall not be permitted.  Any type of demonstration that prevents the orderly progress of a school day, that prevents normal class functions, or that prevents nonparticipating students from their usual class activity, shall be considered unacceptable behavior and shall result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken by the principal.  Students participating in such demonstrations shall be immediately suspended and removed from the campus; by force if necessary.  Students suspended shall not be allowed to return to the campus until the suspension is terminated by the Superintendent. 




The Bogalusa City School Board shall not tolerate disruptive acts or influence from any student or person at the schools.  All school personnel are directed to immediately take action against any student or person who attempts to interrupt, interfere with, or obstruct the educational processes of the schools, and to report the name of any instigator or offender to the police and to the District Attorney's office.


Violators shall be subject to fines or imprisonment in jail, or both.  If students, violators shall be suspended and shall not be permitted to return to school without the written consent and permission of the Superintendent.


When and if needed, local police officers and sheriff's deputies may be stationed at each school to ensure the safety of school personnel and students and to permit the schools to operate normally.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 17:416, 17:416.1

Jenkins v. Louisiana State Board of Education, 506 F 2d 992 (CA. 5th 1975)


Bogalusa City School Board