The Bogalusa City School Board is committed to providing a safe environment for the students and employees of its schools.  Any potential threat of violence or terrorism to students and employees shall be addressed immediately in accordance with policy EBBB, School and Student Safety.  If the threat is determined to be credible and imminent, the threat shall be reported immediately to a local law enforcement agency and the school shall initiate procedures outlined in policy EBBC, Emergency/Crisis Management.


Potential threats not rising to the level of reasonable belief which are not reported to law enforcement shall be referred immediately to school administrators for further investigation, in accordance with applicable procedures outlined in policy JCDAF, Bullying and Hazing.




Threat of terrorism means communication, whether oral, visual, or written, including but not limited to electronic mail, letters, notes, social media posts, text messages, blogs, or posts on any social networking website, of any crime of violence that would reasonably cause any student, teacher, principal, or school employee to be in sustained fear for his safety, cause the evacuation of a building, or cause other serious disruption to the operation of a school.


Threat of violence means communication, whether oral, visual, or written, including but not limited to electronic mail, letters, notes, social media posts, text messages, blogs, or posts on any social networking website, of any intent to kill, maim, or cause great bodily harm to a student, teacher, principal, or school employee on school property or at any school function.




Whenever potential threats of violence or terrorism are reported to school administrators, any evidence related to a threat such as statements, writings, recordings, electronic messages, and photographs shall be collected and kept in a secure location.




If a student is reported to a local law enforcement agency for threats of terrorism or violence, the student shall not be permitted to return to school until undergoing a formal mental health evaluation.


New policy:  October 25, 2018



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:409.1, 17:409.2, 17:409.3, 17:409.5, 17:410, 17:416, 17:416.1, 17:416.13

Board minutes, 10-25-18


Bogalusa City School Board