The Bogalusa City School Board recognizes the purpose of student ranking is to determine where a student stands in comparison to his/her classmates in the same school.  Senior class ranking of students shall be based on numeric Grade Point Average (GPA) on all subjects taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).




Each high school may recognize a valedictorian, salutatorian, or students of similar distinction each year. The selection shall be based on numeric GPA.  The student who has earned the highest numeric GPA for all high school courses taken shall be valedictorian.  The student who has earned the second highest numeric GPA shall be the salutatorian.  Co-valedictorians or students of similar distinction shall be recognized if these students have earned exactly the same numeric GPA rounded to the hundredths place during their high school tenure.  In the event that a co-valedictorian is recognized, it shall be left to the discretion of the principal whether there will be a salutatorian.  To be considered for valedictorian and salutatorian, the student must be enrolled in the same school for the entire senior year.  This does not prevent other honors being bestowed.


Schools offering honors courses shall recognize transferred honors credit only in those courses which are offered at the honors level at the receiving school.


The names of the top twenty-five percent (25%) of the graduating class may be made available to the public, but only the grade point averages of the valedictorian and salutatorian will be released.


Student eligibility for academic honors requires that a senior must be a full-time student. Students enrolled in high schools utilizing a block schedule or similar type of modified schedule must take at least two (2) full blocks in the fall term and two (2) full blocks in the spring term or be enrolled full-time in a post-secondary institution during the spring term.  Individual schools may require the two (2) blocks to be in a particular part of the day (i.e., requiring students to take 1st and 2nd block classes.)



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81

Board minutes, 9-10-02


Bogalusa City School Board