It is the policy of the Bogalusa City School Board that reports concerning student progress shall be made to the parent or legal guardian or custodian of all students on a regularly scheduled basis.  Individual schools shall make additional reports to the parent or legal guardian of a student when, in the opinion of the principal and professional staff members, the situation warrants such reports.  Such situations may include, but are not limited to, outstanding academic achievement, outstanding citizenship, poor academic performance and continuing inappropriate behavior.


Report cards shall be sent to the student's parent or legal guardian or custodian for his/her signature.  Once signed, the report cards shall be returned to the homeroom teacher and school counselor.




Teachers shall send home progress reports for students that are not making passing grades or not working up to their potential.  The progress report shall be sent in a manner assuring that parents are made aware of their child’s status in a subject(s).  Parents shall be notified between the fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) week of each nine week grading period. 


Revised:  December 13, 2021



Ref:    Board minutes, 12-13-21


Bogalusa City School Board