The Bogalusa City School Board directs that evaluation of student progress be based on various aspects of performance as measured against standards for the respective grade or subject.  The requirements for evaluation shall take into consideration the ability, aptitude, cultural background, and other characteristics of the student.  Grading shall be based on achievement as it reflects a reasonable and conscientious effort on the part of the student to fulfill in the requirements of the course, and the ability of the student as it relates to the student's demonstrated effort.


Grades shall be determined and reported in accordance with procedures outlined in the Bogalusa City Schools Pupil Progression Plan.  Grading and reporting shall serve to show those concerned how a student is doing in his/her work.  Grades shall not be used with the intent of rewarding or punishing a student, including the deducting of points from a student's grades as a means of discipline.




No School Board member, Superintendent, or school employee, including administrative and supervisory personnel, shall attempt, directly or indirectly, to influence, alter, or otherwise affect the grade received by a student from his/her teacher.  However, a teacher's determination of a student's grade may be changed or altered when the building level administrator has determined that the grade is in error, or that the grade is demonstrably inconsistent with the teacher's grading policy.  Upon a complaint made by a student, parent/guardian, or child advocate, the building level administrator shall review the complaint with the teacher issuing the grade and make a judicious determination of the validity of the grade.  The teacher, parent/guardian, or child advocate may appeal the decision of the school building level administrator to the Superintendent or his/her designee.  Further appeal may be made to the School Board.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:24.4, 17:81, 17:414.2

Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education


Bogalusa City School Board