Cf:  GBM





The Bogalusa City School System may grant leaves of absence without pay for periods not exceeding one (1) year to any regularly employed teacher or other employee who requests such leave in writing whenever, in the discretion of the Board such leave is in the best interest of the public school system.  The granting of such leave shall not affect any tenure rights which the applicant may have acquired. 


Leave without pay shall not be counted as continuous service.


Requests for leave without pay must be in writing on proper application form and shall be submitted to the School Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the leave, whenever possible.  Leaves without pay shall not be granted to employees with less than three (3) consecutive years of experience with the Bogalusa City School Board except for educational purposes when extenuating circumstances exist as so validated by the Personnel Director. 


If leave without pay is granted by the Board, the employee may continue his/her insurance by paying the full cost for the period of the leave. 


Employees shall be informed in writing by the Superintendent when leaves are granted by the School Board.


Employees returning from leaves of absence without pay and who have notified the Superintendent within the proper time specified shall be considered for placement in the same position; however, the discretion of the Personnel Director/Superintendent shall be the determining factor.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 17:1186

Board minutes, 1-23-89, 5-25-92


Bogalusa City School Board