The Bogalusa City School Board shall require all personnel to follow the school calendar and holiday schedule, during the school term.  The Superintendent shall establish office hours and work schedules outside the normal school calendar as necessary.  Normal business hours shall be officially designated as 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday for the central office.


Principals and the administrative staff should be in their buildings ahead of students or teachers, and should remain in their buildings until students and teachers have gone from school.  Principals who leave their buildings for any purpose, other than attendance at civic clubs, principals' meetings, going to the administrative offices of the School Board, or other routine business affairs connected with the schools shall secure prior approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee for such absence.


All employees shall personally record their arrival and departure time each day in the Employee Attendance Record.


Teachers are expected to be at school at least 15 minutes before school starts and shall generally remain at least 15 minutes after the close of school each day.


Principals and department heads shall be authorized to adjust staff personnel schedules during the work week in order to prevent any employee incurring overtime work, unless properly authorized.


Work schedules of employees covered by the Agreement between the School Board and Local #776, Council 17, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO shall be in accordance with the provisions of said agreement.




Twelve-month employees shall observe a 7:30 - 5:15 daily schedule for the summer months.  All offices shall be closed on Fridays during the summer period with the exception of summer school sites.  All principals will be responsible for the operation of the schools during the summer months.  This includes summer maintenance, financial statements, requisitions, request for services, reports, mail and correspondence, school records and transcripts, and the coordination of the school operation with the School Board.


Revised:  June, 2008



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81

Board minutes, 1-23-89, 5-19-08


Bogalusa City School Board