Cf:  BE, GBE





The Bogalusa City School Board shall require employees to not engage in any employment that would affect their usefulness as employees in the system, that would make time and/or energy demands upon the individuals which could interfere with their effectiveness in performing their contractual duties, would compromise or embarrass the school system, would adversely affect their employment status or professional standing, or would in any way conflict with or violate professional ethics.


Employees shall not engage in any other employment or in any private business during the hours required to fulfill assigned educational duties. No employee should accept any outside employment or any proffered gift or loan which will in any manner adversely affect the proper discharge and performance of his/her duty and responsibility to the public school system.


The Bogalusa City School Board as a public body administers public funds and occupies a position of public trust relative thereto. Such a position of public trust demands that, in the performance of his/her duties, every employee of this system should exercise great caution to avoid possible conflicts of interest and any business, professional or financial relationship which, as it relates to his employment, may give the appearance of impropriety.


This policy is designed chiefly to serve as a guide for employees to avoid possible conflicts between their employment and outside interests. In those situations where doubt may exist as to the propriety of certain relationships or activities, employees are encouraged to make a full disclosure of the facts to the Superintendent prior to entering such relationships or engaging in such activities.




Administrators shall be excluded from all employment and assignment decisions regarding their family members. Employees shall not be assigned in any position under direct supervision of a family member. Employees shall not be placed in any other position where prejudicial treatment by a family member may be reasonably expected to occur. Family members in the same division shall be placed in separate departments, separate work crews, and/or separate sites if possible. In the event marriage or school district reorganization creates a situation which is in noncompliance with this policy, the employee shall be assigned a non-family member evaluator. Any employee who believes a violation of this policy has occurred should immediately report his/her observation to the Personnel Coordinator. The Personnel Coordinator shall investigate the allegations and take appropriate action.


The Personnel Department shall monitor all employment and assignment activities to ensure compliance with this policy. Exceptions shall be granted in the best interest of the district and to avoid unfairness to an employee, but only with the written permission of the Superintendent.


The following definitions are to be used in interpreting this policy:


Family Member - Spouse, child, in-laws of these, grandchild, parent, grandparent, brother, sister and their spouses, and any person having been regularly living in the household.

Prejudicial Treatment
- Any treatment (either positive or negative) beyond that which the supervisor would give any other employee in similar circumstances.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat Ann. ยงยง17:428, 42:1101, 42:1102, 42:1116, 42:1119, 42:1121


Bogalusa City School Board