Cf:  BE, DFG







The Bogalusa City School Board shall prohibit staff members and employees of the school district from soliciting, accepting, or receiving, either directly or indirectly, any gift from students, parents, or other individuals.  However, employees who work in schools may accept gifts from or on behalf of students or former students when the value of the gift does not exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and the aggregate value of all gifts of from or on behalf of any one person does not exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00) in a calendar year.


Acceptance of any form of compensation, gift, or gratuity by any employee of the Bogalusa City School Board from persons or firms doing business with any School Board department is strictly prohibited.  Reduced cost and/or free travel expenses are also defined as gifts with regard to this policy.  This policy does not preclude, however, acceptance of food or drinks of a social nature or participation in a social event.  This policy shall also not preclude the acceptance of campaign contributions for use in meeting campaign expenses by any employee who is or becomes a candidate for election to any public office.


Revised:  July, 2014



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง42:1111, 42:1112, 42:1113, 42:1115, 42:1123

Board minutes, 1-29-15


Bogalusa City School Board