The Bogalusa City School Board shall prohibit employees from accepting or soliciting any gift, favor, service, or other benefit that could reasonably be construed to influence the employee's discharge of assigned duties and responsibilities.  An employee who believes he or she has or may have a conflict of interest shall disclose the interest to the Superintendent or designee, who shall take whatever action is necessary, if any, to ensure that the district's best interests are protected.




Employees shall be prohibited from recommending, endorsing, or requiring students to purchase any product, material, or service in which they have a financial interest or that is sold by a company that may employ the district employee during nonschool hours.  Professional employees shall be prohibited from recommending or requiring students to purchase a specific brand of school supplies if there are other brands that are equal and suitable for the intended instructional purpose.




Employees shall be prohibited from using their positions with the district for the purpose of attempting to sell products or services.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง42:1111, 42:1112, 42:1113, 42:1115


Bogalusa City School Board