Salaries for professional personnel shall be paid according to the salary schedule established by the State plus added increments established by the Bogalusa City School Board.  All other employees shall be paid according to a salary schedule formulated by the Board. Such a schedule shall take into consideration skill level and years of experience.




The pay period for regular employees shall be the first working day of each calendar month to the last day of the calendar month.  Payroll shall be issued in twelve (12) equal installments, and distributed on the twenty-fifth (25th) day of each month or the last working day of the month, unless the 25th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.  If a pay day falls on or during a school holiday or weekend, employees shall receive their pay on the work day preceding the holiday or weekend.   Employees who join the school system during the school year shall have their salaries pro-rated accordingly.  The official payday shall be the last working day of each calendar month as directed by the Superintendent.


Employees shall receive payment by direct deposit. Employees shall have their payment credited directly to their bank account on the scheduled payday.  It is the employee's responsibility to give a voided check or other deposit information to the payroll department to have access to direct deposit and to immediately notify the payroll department of any changes in account status.  Only checking accounts from approved financial institutions shall be accepted for direct deposit.  Instead of a pay stub, the employee will receive a notice of deposit that has the normal payroll information on it (i.e. withholding information, sick day balance, etc.).


Checks for Other than Salary


Stipends, summer school pay, overtime, travel reimbursements, and any other pay outside of normal salaries shall be paid as follows:


If the time sheet, or substitute form, with appropriate signatures, is received by the business office in accordance with the annually published business office calendar, then a payroll check will be issued on the 25th of the month unless the 25th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday.  If a payday falls on or during a school holiday or weekend, employees shall receive their paychecks on the workday preceding the holiday or weekend.


If the time sheet, substitute form, or other documentation, with all appropriate signatures is received by the business office by the last working day of the month, payment shall be made two (2) weeks after the regular payroll.


Lost Checks/Incorrect Deposit Instructions


If a check was lost as a result of the employee failing to notify the central office of a change of address or other employee negligence, or lost by a postal system, the employee shall receive a replacement check within the next five (5) working days.  If there was an administrative error or Direct Deposit comes back with an error, the employee shall receive an immediate correction.


If the direct deposit comes back with an error that employee shall receive an immediate replacement check.




Teachers separating from the Bogalusa City schools at the close of the school session may request in writing that they receive full payment for their services.   Otherwise, they shall continue to receive their payment on a monthly basis during June, July, and August.


Teachers separating from the school system at any time for any reason shall receive their final paycheck and any severance due on the next payday or within fifteen (15) days from the date of separation, whichever is earlier.


Revised:  June, 2008



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 23:631

Board minutes, 3-13-08


Bogalusa City School Board