The Bogalusa City School Board may sell, or otherwise dispose of, at public or private sale, for cash or on terms of credit, any school site, building, facility, or other property which is not used and, in the judgment of the School Board, is not needed in the operation of any school or schools within the district.  Any such sale, lease, or disposal of such school property shall be on such terms and conditions and for such consideration as the School Board shall prescribe.




Real estate that has been declared as no longer needed for public school purposes shall be disposed of as outlined below:


  1. At least one (1) real estate appraisal shall be obtained reflecting the fair market value.

  2. Local governmental authorities shall be notified that such property is no longer needed for school purposes and invited to submit a proposal if there is a need for such property.

  3. Advertisement for sealed bids shall be published in the School Board’s official journal on at least three (3) separate days for at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the land is to be offered for sale, or as otherwise provided for in state law.

  4. Upon receipt and opening of bids at the time designated, all bids shall be considered by the School Board and the property sold to the highest bidder in accordance with such terms and conditions as the School Board shall determine.  The School Board shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids.


    1. The first time the School Board offers a particular property for sale, the minimum bid shall be eighty-five (85%) percent of the appraised value of the property.

    2. If the School Board fails to sell the property because the maximum bid received was not equal to or greater than the minimum bid in item A. above, the School Board may make a second effort to sell the property.  The minimum bid for a second effort to sell the same property shall be eight (80%) of the appraised value.

    3. If the School Board has twice failed to sell property because the maximum bid received was not equal to or greater than the minimum bid provided above, there shall be no minimum bid at the third effort to sell the property, and the School Board may sell the property to the highest bidder.




The Bogalusa City School Board shall conduct all elections to authorize the sale of sixteenth section land and the funds realized from the sale of such land, after deduction for necessary expenses connected with such elections, shall be promptly forwarded to the state auditor.  These funds shall be credited to the general school funds of the School Board. 


Revised:  November, 2010



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:87, 17:87.6, 41:891, 41:892

Board minutes, 12-16-10


Bogalusa City School Board