The Bogalusa City School Board believes that student growth, district progress and community satisfaction are all affected by Superintendent’s job performance.  The Superintendent cannot function effectively without periodic feedback about his/her job performance.  Therefore, the School Board recognizes its responsibility to evaluate the Superintendent in a confidential manner.  The School Board shall evaluate the Superintendent in an open or closed session, based upon the desires of the Superintendent, according to standards agreed upon by both parties.  The intent of the evaluation is to provide the highest quality leadership for the school system.


The Superintendent shall be evaluated annually to document performance.  The evaluation shall include the Superintendent’s strengths and weaknesses relative to the performance objectives/specific targets outlined in the Superintendent’s contract. 


A copy of the evaluation results shall be given the Superintendent upon completion of the evaluation.


Revised:  August 30, 2012



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:3881, 17:3882, 17:3883, 17:3884

Board minutes, 8-30-12


Bogalusa City School Board