The Bogalusa City School Board recognizes the need for a clear delineation between its responsibilities, duties and authority and those of the Superintendent.


The School Board is primarily a legislative body with ultimate responsibility for the operation and improvement of public education in the Bogalusa City School District.


The School Board believes that the legislation of policies is the most important function of a Board and that the execution of the policies should be the function of the Superintendent.  The function of the School Board is not to operate the schools but to see that they are operated for the best interest of the children and taxpayers within the provisions of Louisiana law.  School Board members have no individual authority except when the School Board is in legal session.


Delegation by the School Board of its executive powers to the Superintendent provides freedom for the Superintendent to manage the schools within the School Board policies, to promulgate administrative regulations and to implement School Board policies, and allows the School Board freedom to devote its time to policymaking and appraisal functions.  The Superintendent keeps the School Board informed about school operations.


The link between the School Board and the Superintendent must be the strongest in the entire chain of united effort toward better schools.  It is with the parish Superintendent that the School Board will have most frequent communications.


Bogalusa City School Board