The President, with School Board approval, shall authorize the creation of standing School Board committees, to be charged with deliberations of certain issues as deemed necessary. Such committees shall be composed of members of the School Board whose chairperson shall be appointed by the President. The President shall be given the option to change committee membership.


The President of the School Board and the Superintendent shall be ex-officio members of all committees.


The School Board does not encourage the establishment or maintenance of standing committees.  If it is felt by the School Board that a standing committee could perform a valuable service to the School District, then the School Board may establish such a committee.  All committees, whether standing or ad hoc (if they run longer than a year), shall be reviewed and evaluated annually by the School Board.   Whenever possible, announcements of committee meetings will be made at meetings of the School Board, and the time and place of meetings incorporated into the minutes for purposes of public announcements.


Other special committees may from time to time be appointed by the School Board to study specific issues.  The membership of any special committees need not be restricted to members of the School Board, but shall include such persons who may have knowledge or interest in the subject studied.




The agenda, time and date of committee meetings shall be tentatively set by the committee chairperson, pending discussion with and approval by both the Superintendent and School Board President of any proposed agenda items and meeting date.  Once approved, the committee chairperson shall be notified prior to notification of other members.


All committee meetings shall be open to the public, except in those instances allowed as provided by state law.  A majority of the committee membership shall constitute a quorum for purposes of making recommendations or taking any action that has been previously authorized.




The Bogalusa City School Board is wholly responsible for the development of school policies and objectives, and for the overall supervision of the School District. To assist the development of program, support, and understanding, the Bogalusa City School Board encourages the advice, opinion and constructive criticism of the staffs, students, and other citizens, at all times, on all issues, and through all means possible.


To facilitate this communicative process, to utilize the expertise and counsel available among the citizens of the community, and to assist in understanding the viewpoints of all constituents, the Bogalusa City School Board shall establish and/or confirm, as needs dictate, ad hoc advisory com­mittees.


It shall be the duty of the advisory committee to work in a constructive relationship with the School Board and the administration in the development and improvement of the programs and services of the Bogalusa City Schools.  Membership of all advisory committees shall be determined by the Bogalusa City School Board.  Members are expected to serve until the committee assignment is completed and the committee dissolved upon achievement of their objectives. Each committee shall elect a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary from among its members, and shall determine its time and place of meeting.  Each committee may establish sub-committees as necessary and appropriate for the fulfillment of its purpose.


When vacancies occur on a committee, the School Board will request nomina­tions from committee members, but will ask that more names be submitted than are required to fill the vacancies.  A resume shall accompany each name. All appointments will be made at a regular meeting of the Bogalusa City School Board, from nominations received from the committee.  Any member of a committee who misses three (3) consecutive meetings without informing the chairman in advance shall be considered as to have resigned.


The staff and administration of the Bogalusa City School District shall be available to the committee for assistance in any way possible.  The Bogalusa City School Board shall be available to consult with committees as the need arises and upon request of the committee.


Upon dissolution of the committee the minutes of each committee meet­ing and all the pertinent data shall be transmitted to the Bogalusa City School Board and central administration.  Reports from the advisory committee shall be submitted to the School Board.  Such reports shall be made public after administrative analysis and establishing a procedure for School Board discussion.


Advisory committees currently in existence are:


Chapter I Advisory Board

Pupil Progression (Parents and Educators)

Special Education Advisory Committee

Ten-Year Community Task Force Committee



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:55


Bogalusa City School Board